If you are using Google Map AutoComplete API, and if you want that AutoComplete input only show the country which you want, will only show the location dropdown of the country. Then you can follow this post.

Where you added the input and its options to Autocomplete API. Another option should be added to that option struct.

componentRestrictions: { country: [ 'us', 'ca' ] }

Here is an example of “US” and “CA” these are short forms of that country name, The countries that you want to provide.

The code below is given with the full examples.

const input = document.getElementById( "Address" ); 

const options = {
     componentRestrictions: { country: [ 'us', 'ca' ] },
     fields: [ "address_components", "formatted_address", "geometry", "name" ],
     strictBounds: false,

const autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(