How to validate numbers use the regular expression JQuery?
Hi folks, in most of the cases we are facing issues with the validation of a positive number using JQuery. Sometimes you find a solution but when you apply that not work properly. But I am posting a great solution for it.
Let’s example we have a string xyz and we want to validate whether this string is a positive number or not. In this case, we use regular expression and it returns true or false.
this is to validate the positive number with two decimal places.
this is to validate the positive number with more than one decimal place.
const intRegex = /^\d+(?:\.\d\d?)?$/;
const intRegex = /^\-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/;
intRegex.test( '123.45' ); //True
intRegex.test( '123' ); //True
intRegex.test( '123.45' ); //True
intRegex.test( '123.123' ); //True
intRegex.test( '12.34.56' ); //False
intRegex.test( '-123.45' ); //False
intRegex.test( '-123' ); //False
intRegex.test( 'e' ); //False
intRegex.test( 'NULL' ); //False
intRegex.test( '12abc' ); //False
intRegex.test( '12,345.45' ); //False