Hi folks, in most of the cases we are facing issues with the validation of a positive number using JQuery. Sometimes you find a solution but when you apply that not work properly. But I am posting a great solution for it.

Let’s example we have a string xyz and we want to validate whether this string is a positive number or not. In this case, we use regular expression and it returns true or false.

/^\d+(?:.\d\d?)?$/ this is to validate the positive number with two decimal places.

/^\-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ this is to validate the positive number with more than one decimal place.

const intRegex = /^\d+(?:\.\d\d?)?$/;
const intRegex = /^\-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/;

intRegex.test( '123.45' ); //True 
intRegex.test( '123' ); //True
intRegex.test( '123.45' ); //True 
intRegex.test( '123.123' ); //True 
intRegex.test( '12.34.56' ); //False 
intRegex.test( '-123.45' ); //False 
intRegex.test( '-123' ); //False 
intRegex.test( 'e' ); //False 
intRegex.test( 'NULL' ); //False 
intRegex.test( '12abc' ); //False 
intRegex.test( '12,345.45' ); //False