
Encrypting JavaScript is a way to add a layer of protection to your website by making your code harder to understand or hack/modify. this process is also known as Obfuscation.

Method:- you can use this link to obfuscate your JavaScript code.


without obfuscating code. normal JavaScript code.

console.log( "Welcome to the era of hacking." );


Welcome to the era of hacking.

after obfuscating code.

var _0x57c1f6=_0x2eab;(function(_0xfd27a8,_0x315bd7){var _0x3a71ea=_0x2eab,_0x5e0b4=_0xfd27a8();while(!![]){try{var _0x4dcf81=parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1a8))/0x1*(-parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1a5))/0x2)+-parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1aa))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1a9))/0x4)+-parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1a3))/0x5+-parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1ae))/0x6+parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1a6))/0x7+-parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1a4))/0x8+parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1ab))/0x9*(parseInt(_0x3a71ea(0x1ad))/0xa);if(_0x4dcf81===_0x315bd7)break;else _0x5e0b4['push'](_0x5e0b4['shift']());}catch(_0x34b844){_0x5e0b4['push'](_0x5e0b4['shift']());}}}(_0x1926,0x5aa4a),console[_0x57c1f6(0x1ac)](_0x57c1f6(0x1a7)));function _0x2eab(_0x3cfd58,_0x5e54ef){var _0x1926c0=_0x1926();return _0x2eab=function(_0x2eaba8,_0x4efcb1){_0x2eaba8=_0x2eaba8-0x1a3;var _0x7ee3bc=_0x1926c0[_0x2eaba8];return _0x7ee3bc;},_0x2eab(_0x3cfd58,_0x5e54ef);}function _0x1926(){var _0x556cc2=['50GfQLuP','939456tUrXSn','48385lkudeD','4793416wbKjCY','2hFmpez','3687243fGnssN','Welcome\x20to\x20the\x20era\x20of\x20hacking.','397437RdKtIe','8zhEksG','209607tYqMtR','2064834YxZfRh','log'];_0x1926=function(){return _0x556cc2;};return _0x1926();}


Welcome to the era of hacking.

purpose of obfuscating JavaScript:-

  1. The main purpose is to protect sensitive logic and secure data from unauthorized access.
  2. If your JavaScript contains unique algorithms or proprietary functions, encryption makes it harder for others to understand and reuse, and this will protect your Intellectual Property Rights.
  3. Sensitive data or security mechanisms (such as client-side form validation or authentication data) benefit from encryption, which will Enhance your code Security.
  4. If your application is Hacked or data theft, encrypting key parts of your code can stop attackers. this will prevent hackers to stop Hacking or data theft.

Obfuscation is one of the most common ways to protect JavaScript code. It changes variable names, removes whitespace, and alters the structure of your code without affecting functionality. Obfuscation can make code difficult for humans to read, but it maintains functionality for browsers. you can easily use this encrypted code in your javascript file without any third-party support/application.