Description:- Encrypting JavaScript is a way to add a layer of protection to your website by making your code harder to understand or hack/modify. this…
$1, $2 refers the capturing groups. $1 means first capturing group$2 means first capturing group…. etc.These are mainly used for replacement. Lets see an exampleWe…
JavaScript is a versatile language that offers many powerful methods for working with arrays. One common task developers often need to perform is counting the…
The useEffect hook in React is used to handle side effects in functional components, such as: Fetching data from an API. Manipulating the DOM. Setting…
JavaScript for...of loop allows you to iterate arrays, maps, strings etc. The for...of loop cannot be used to iterate over an object. iterable – an iterable object (array,…
Usage: The Array.from() method is used to get an Array object from any iterables like array, objects, and strings. Example: const arr = Array.from( "Sandeep"…