Usage: The Array.from() method is used to get an Array object from any iterables like array, objects, and strings. Example: const arr = Array.from( "Sandeep"…
We can do this using Object.groupBy() method. This method groups elements of an object according to values returned from a callback function. Example: const users…
We can measure the execution of a code block by using console.time() method. Syntax: console.time( "label" ); function_to_call( ); console.timeEnd( "label" ); Example: function measureExecutionTime(…
Caching in Node.js can significantly improve our app’s performance, reducing the load on our server and database by storing frequently accessed data in memory or…
The useNavigate hook is a powerful and Intuitive way of navigate between pages in React application. It returns a function that lets us navigate programmatically.…