You can register Background Group Control in elementor widget for background color, background image, background gradient or background video. When using this group control, the type should…
We can render a media control for print the image URL in a custom <img> tag. For the same we can use wp_get_attachment_image() function to generate the image…
For customizer live preview we need to add hook in wp_head & customize_preview_init function. We have to include our customize style & customize preview js…
There are four main types of Customizer objects: Panels, Sections, Settings, and Controls. To add, remove, or modify any Customizer object, and to access the…
For retrieving the post categories & post tags , we can use get_the_category and get_the_tags functions in wordpress. Here is the code snippet for both…
First create a new folder in your wp-content/themes directory with a theme name, let’s name it ‘my-child-theme’. Now you have to create a file named style.css, It…
To add a custom class in wordpress avatar image, we have to use filter hooks in get_avatar function. Filter hooks example: //avatar custom class function…