The useEffect hook in React is used to handle side effects in functional components, such as: Fetching data from an API. Manipulating the DOM. Setting…
Usage: The Array.from() method is used to get an Array object from any iterables like array, objects, and strings. Example: const arr = Array.from( "Sandeep"…
We can do this using Object.groupBy() method. This method groups elements of an object according to values returned from a callback function. Example: const users…
Step 1: Open this url in your browser. Step 2: Click on the Create Account button. Step 3: Fill the form as shown in…
We can measure time needed to execute a block of code in ColdFusion using getTickCount() method. getTickCount() method returns a counter in milliseconds. Syntax: startTime…
We can measure the execution of a code block by using console.time() method. Syntax: console.time( "label" ); function_to_call( ); console.timeEnd( "label" ); Example: function measureExecutionTime(…