Caching in Node.js can significantly improve our app’s performance, reducing the load on our server and database by storing frequently accessed data in memory or…
The useNavigate hook is a powerful and Intuitive way of navigate between pages in React application. It returns a function that lets us navigate programmatically.…
There are multiple methods that we can use to delete a document from MongoDB collection. These methods are deleteOne(), findByIdAndDelete() etc.In this post we will…
We can retrieve documents from collections in MongoDB database using find() and findOne() method. With the help of the following example we will be learning…
We can save data in Local Storage with the help of setItem() method of localStorage object. Example: localStorage.setItem( "userInfo", { "name": "John", "gender": "male", "age":…
The reduce() method in JavaScript executes a reducer function for each array element, returning a single accumulated value. When to use the reduce() method We…