
It reads a binary file (such as an executable or image file) on the server, into a binary object parameter that you can use in the page.

    action = "readBinary"
    file = "full pathname"
    variable = "variable name"

cfscript the equivalent of the upper syntax

        action = "read",
        file = "full pathname",
        variable = "variable name"


action:- This is a required attribute, the type of file manipulation that the tag performs.

file:- This is a required attribute, The pathname of the binary file to which needs to be read.

variable:- This is a required attribute, the Name of the variable to contain the contents of the binary file.


The following example creates a variable named testBinary for the contents of the file testNote.jpg:

    action = "readBinary"
    file = "d:\files\documents\testNote.jpg"
    variable = "testBinary"

The variable testBinary can be used in the page. For example, Create a cfimage from the binary object variable on the final web page as follows:

<cfset myImage=ImageNew(testBinary)>