You need to install PHP and Composer on your local machine before creating the Laravel project. After you have installed PHP and Composer, you may go your project folder and create a new Laravel project via Composer.

Open Terminal in your project folder and write command.

composer global require laravel/installer

This command will install Laravel in a global way to your project folder. when Laravel installed, now create new Laravel App. Write another command to the project folder for creating new app.

laravel new New-laravel-app

Here’s New-Laravel-App This is the name of the new app. After creating new app, now you need to run this app in your browser. To start your app, you go fast your app folder Write a command.

cd New-laravel-app

Now start the application, you have to run this command below for that.

php artisan serve

Once the application is started, you go to the browser and searching localhost to show your application.