To get the plugin directory path in WordPress, you can use the plugins_url() function or the WP_PLUGIN_DIR constant. 1. Using plugins_url() Function: $plugin_url = plugins_url();…
Description:- isDefined( ) :- Evaluates a string value to determine whether the named variable exists. structKeyExists( ) :- Determines whether a specific key is present…
Laravel is a PHP-based web framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. The Laravel Framework is commonly used to develop complex web applications. For…
We can save data in Local Storage with the help of setItem() method of localStorage object. Example: localStorage.setItem( "userInfo", { "name": "John", "gender": "male", "age":…
You can use the wp_mail() function in your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin. function send_custom_email() { $to = ''; // Email address…