We can explain our regular expression within the expression using comments. Syntax:(?#Commented Code) Suppose we have a two strings below:Hello worldhello World Regex to match…
We can do this using Object.groupBy() method. This method groups elements of an object according to values returned from a callback function. Example: const users…
To get next and previous sibling and its inner text we can use nextElementSibling and previousElementSibling property in Javascript, nextElementSibling returns the next element (not text and comment…
In WordPress, users are typically assigned a single role, such as Administrator, Editor, or Subscriber. However there are situations where a user might need multiple…
Step 1: Open https://tagmanager.google.com/?authuser=0#/home this url in your browser. Step 2: Click on the Create Account button. Step 3: Fill the form as shown in…